The Swedish-Japanese company Sony Ericsson wants to jump on the bandwagon of mobile dual-core processors. Or so it has understood the image that has leaked from a touch screen terminal called Sony Ericsson Xperia Duo.Currently, the manufacturer’s Xperia family refers to high-end devices or medium / high its catalog of offerings.
Within this portfolio, Sony Ericsson has several models with interesting technical features. However, all of them, at most, have a one GHz processor speed of a single nucleus. Thus, Sony Ericsson Xperia Duo is presented as the first mobile to include a powerful dual-core processor. If so, it still would fail to know what platform you choose the company, if Qualcomm and Texas Instruments. What I can confirm is that this would integrate the mobile operating system Android.
Moreover, this leak has not yet been confirmed by the Swedish-Japanese manufacturer. Similarly, the specifications are so far unknown. Still, some of the first attributes that are postulated are a large screen that could be around 4.2 and about 4.5 inches diagonally, the latter occupying the entire front of the terminal.
Another feature that is attributed refers to his camera back. This could have a maximum resolution of between eight and 16-megapixel sensor and using a Sony Exmor R, which is currently used in digital camera to capture images with more clarity and reducing the noise of them. Finally, in the front hard buttons for access to the “Home”, “Menu” and “return” would be the same as can be seen in models like Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc or Xperia Neo.